14 Mar 2012

Track the trackers, two utilities for online privacy

Not all people take care of online privacy, the web is a Narcissus place after all. Anyway since Facebook entered our life, privacy has become one of the most important topics of the digital age. Internet services are thirsty of personal data  and an army of never-heard companies work collecting info "under the hood". Two free tools help us to monitor their activities.

9 Mar 2012

How the social media learn from us

Tell me the company you keep and I'll tell you who you are... and what you want. Web applications are becoming everyday smarter: Amazon guesses books we might like, YouTube proposes us videos of our interest and Facebook finds our friends before us. Nowadays the web is plenty of start-ups using its 2.0 interactive power to create new recommendation-oriented products. Teaching a machine to learn is definitely the new frontier of online implementation.

6 Mar 2012

An Insight into ACTA

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multilateral enforcement treaty for the purpose of establishing an international standard regulation for counterfeit goods specially generic medicines and intellectual properties on the Internet. Initially developed secretly on 2006 by United States and the depositary Japan, has then been leaked on 2008 when Wikileaks uploaded a discussion paper on his website.

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