23 Feb 2012

Memory on demand

Why should we keep in mind an information if something else do it for us? How can we even remember a thought without a moleskine, a travel when we forget the camera at home or even a party if there is no friend to recall it? Men have ever used several strategies to access memories and informations but the Digital Age is improving this process indefinitely. So let forget about any knot in the handerchief because is going to be just a new voice in Wikipedia.

Studies reveal how our way to store information is changing with new technologies, internet has become the primary form of an external collective memory. The difference from the past is the droping down of the efforts necessary to get any answers, nowadays all knowledge we need is at our fingertips. We don't have to reach the near public library for research or go to buy a newspaper to read news, all we have to do is turn on our smartphone, laptop or tablet and get access to the web.
If you need to know where Kazakhstan is just google it. Again and again.

Studying the time of reaction of people at specific question, a team of researcher led by B.Sparrow from Columbia university,  experimented that when we know an information is stored in a place we don't need any effort to reach, we forget “what about” information is preferring to remember “where” it is and “how” get it. The possibility to store information in a server is huge and we can simply use it to upload anything we want without waste space in our synaptics. Are we going to trust this way even to reach to live in symbiotic with computer?

It look just like an innovation we are evolving with and it is not a news that technology change us as mankind and the environment where we live but shouldn't we ask new question when it starts to affect us as biological being?

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